How To Keep Scorpions Away From Your Peoria Property


Scorpions and spiders are two types of arachnid pests found in Peoria homes. You don’t want these creepy crawlies in your house, so what should you do if you find one? The good news is that Big Sky Pest Control is here to help. We offer scorpion control for Peoria homes, so you don’t need to worry. If you’re looking for pest control in Peoria, call Big Sky Pest Control for top-of-the-line care. 

The Habits and Behaviors Of Scorpions

Scorpions are typically shades of light brown and between 2 and 4” long. The easiest way to identify a scorpion is by its shape—scorpions have a distinctive stinger on the ends of their tails.

Scorpions are nocturnal arachnids, which means they sleep during the day and hunt at night. They mainly eat insects and spiders, preferring crickets and cockroaches. Scorpions like to hide. They’ll burrow in the dirt or hide under logs, rocks, and other debris on the ground. 

Most scorpions glow under a blacklight. This makes detection a little easier since scorpions’ natural coloring provides good camouflage.

There are more than thirty different types of scorpions found in Arizona, but most are non-venomous scorpions.

The Potential Dangers Of A Scorpion’s Sting

In most cases, a scorpion sting will be about as nasty as a bee sting. You might experience some pain, mild swelling, and a slight burning sensation at the site of the sting. However, one species of scorpion in the U.S. can be fatal.

The Arizona bark scorpion is slightly more slender than other scorpions. It’s light brown and typically between 2 ¾ and 3” long. The symptoms of a bark scorpion sting are much more severe than other species and can cause serious pain, numbness, and shortness of breath. 

These scorpions hide in cool, moist areas with good airflow so that they might be found inside your house. They’re able to climb quickly, so they might be on the walls or even ceilings of your home. 

Five No-Sweat Scorpion Prevention Tips

The best way to prevent scorpion infestation is to keep the pests out of your house in the first place.

1. Keep Potential Hiding Spots Out Of Your Yard

Scorpions like to shelter from the sun under woodpiles, rocks, and other items. Keeping your yard free of debris means scorpions won’t have anywhere to hide and will probably go somewhere else.

2. Keep The Sides Of Your Home Clear

If you keep anything in your yard, make sure it’s at least twenty feet from the walls of your home. This way, scorpions can’t climb to your walls as quickly. Items like woodpiles should be at least five inches off the ground.

3. Make Sure There Are No Cracks In Your Walls

Because scorpions are so small, they can crawl through thin cracks or holes in the walls of your home. By caulking or otherwise sealing off any holes or gaps, you take away many potential entrances to your home.

4. Ensure That All Doors And Windows Fit Properly

Even though they’re well adapted to the desert, scorpions don’t like the heat. If they can get into your air-conditioned home, they will. Ensuring that all doors and windows are attached with no gaps is essential. It would be best if you also repaired or replace any window screens with holes.

5. Take Care Of Excessive Moisture In Your Home

Scorpions prefer cool, damp environments. If you have areas of your house—like basements or bathrooms—where moisture and humidity build-up, that can create ideal homes for scorpions. Make sure fans function correctly, repair leaky pipes, and consider installing a dehumidifier if the problem continues. 

If you’re finding scorpions inside your house, there are a few things you can do on your own. Laying traps, applying pesticides, and exclusion methods can all help. But in the case of a scorpion infestation, the best way to get rid of scorpions is to call in a pest control professional.

The Best Scorpion Control Solution For Your Property

Scorpions can be tricky to eliminate. That’s why Big Sky Pest Control offers treatment plans. We’ll perform a thorough inspection and create the right plan for you and your home. Our clients are always our top priority; we want you to have peace of mind regarding your home. Our scorpion treatments are safe and effective so that you can live pest-free. 

Complete the form below to schedule your no obligation inspection

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